Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Return of Busyness

I don't know about you, but I sense the busyness of life picking back up now that the pandemic is winding down here in the United States. Were you one of the many like myself who enjoyed having fewer places to get to and fewer obligations -- the simplicity of life that was mandatory for a while? Of course, no one wanted to stay in lockdown, but we learned so much about enjoying simple things in those months and many of us said we wanted to keep some of the new habits in place. But, here we are with the current getting stronger, pulling on our ankles, ready to take us into the rapids where we have to stay afloat and be carried forward again. Once we are in it, it is that much harder to grab a hold of something to resist the force. If you find yourself here, about to be swept away, I invite you to refresh yourself on how to access your anchors when you need them. You can  grab ahold of the branch alongside the river and find your footing again back on the bank. Here are some reminders:

1) We are not victims to the current. We do get to choose what we do. We all create the current that exists. Having clear boundaries in ourselves about how busy we want to be is what we can control and sets up the expectations of others. Review what you did not do during the pandemic that gave you more space, ease, greater appreciation for the ordinary things. Which of them might you like to keep implemented? To do it may require letting go of being perfect, or being all things to all people -- you might be saying "no" more and that's okay. 

2)  As I spoke about in a recent talk, this persistent myth that we don't have enough time is one we can debunk. I know I am often plagued by the feeling, but the reality is that it's when I am thinking of what else I have to do that I don't have enough time. "Not enough time" is a future thing! If I am in the moment doing what I am doing, then there is no concept of not enough time. I'm just in it. Coming back to our breathing can help. When I feel pressed for time and I start to follow my in-breath and out-breath as I move, listen, talk, write, drive, it helps me to find space in the moment. In the present moment there is always enough time.

3) Be diligent about pausing. The world won't pause for us. It's up to us. When busyness starts to set in, we think we don't have time to practice meditation or mindful reflection. It doesn't make the to do list. But this is when chaos starts. This is where drama makes its entrance on stage. Why is that? Because when we don't pause and practice, we fall back into our habitual reactions. Habitual reactions tend not to be so mindful. They are the ones we learned at a younger age. When we stop and use our awareness, we make different choices and drama has to wait in the wings. So keep your practice strong so that peace and ease are more likely to have the main roles.

In high school, I was asked to be on the cheerleading team. I turned them down. It was a hard thing for me to say "no" to someone who wanted me, especially in a new school, in a new state. I auditioned because they wanted me to, but my truth was clear... I have never been a cheerleader. So you won't see me waving pompoms, calling out, "you can do this!" It's just not me. But, I am positively here for you whenever you need support grounding yourself in your insight and wisdom. I welcome you to use my offerings to keep you diligent in your practice and dedicated to your well-being as the world picks up speed. 


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