In today's Pause, I offer you a few questions that might help you drop into that intention so that you can fully take in the season and not feel like you missed out. There will only be one fall just like this this particular age, with these particular people, and conditions. We can make being present for it a priority. Take five minutes and either journal or simply talk yourself through your answers.
1) What is one activity you most associate with the season that brings you joy?
Not some picture perfect idea like picking apples when you don't really like to pick apples, but something that truly brings you joy (or inspiration, connection, etc.).
2) How can you make that easy to do? Keep it simple so you can actually do it rather than have it be just a nice idea.
3) What do you most want to let go of this fall? As you name it it, how does it feel in your body? Connecting to the feeling it brings can make the motivation to do it more powerful.
4) What would help you to let go? It could be a way of being, a way of going about something, or it could be something outside of you that you want to set free. Think of it more as releasing, like a tree releases its leaves.
I welcome you to write to me with your answers if you want a witness. I am happy to receive them in confidence.
Wishing you a beautiful start to the season.
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