Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Creating What's Here


While so much is out of our control and we have the challenging task of making peace with letting go or allowing what is here to be here, in every moment, we do have the choice to create and to water the seeds of what is to come.

In Sunday's Night Meditation, I offered up a question we can ask ourselves everyday: "what do I want to create today in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions?" When I talk about creating, it is not for a select few "creative people." We all create. Everyday we create the life that's here, whether you see yourself as a creative person or not. If I honk my horn, if I rush my kids, if I’m impatient with myself, if I’m distracted when I listen, I am  creating energy that is getting sent out and having its own ripple effects. Those ripples generate more thoughts, words and actions in other people and from the earth itself. Equally so, when I am present with someone, listening without interrupting, being generous as I drive, being warm to the salesperson in the store, being compassionate and patient with myself, conscious of what I choose to consume and its effect on the earth that sustains us, I am generating a very different, positively contagious movement in the world.  You can't get more creative and impactful than that!

Just think that each day we get to begin again! We get to walk out the door into our day and meet the world inspired by what we want to see develop, unfold, manifest and then generate that by our presence, by where we direct our mind, by what we say, and how we move. 

My invitation this week is to ask yourself: "what do I want to create today?" Take a moment now and try it on. You might close your eyes, drop back into the rhythm of your breathing, and ask yourself the question. See what words come that capture what you really want to create here. What do you want to see manifest? Describe it to yourself and when you're done describing it, what does it feel like to be inspired by your own ideas of creating this experience we call life? We can ask ourselves this question every day. I welcome you to download the image above if it helps remind you!

Wishing you an inspired week in this interim time between spring and summer.


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